
"Know how to turn away, for each time you return to your work, your judgment will be more secure."
Leonardo Da Vinci
Nuova Fresca
Edizioni Musicali
Established in 2002 by merging then in 2011 Soc. One Trybal Srl; Nuova Fresca Edizioni Musicali includes an extensive editorial and music catalog, some of these songs have been synchronized in the U.S. in TV series such as Ugly Betty, Ghost Whisperer, All my Children, and in the movie Last Chance Harvey with Dustin Hoffman, also in American TV (ABC Television and CBS Television) are often used as background music.
For years he has been managing important catalogs of artists who have had planetary hits such as Change, Peter Jacques Band, The B. B. & Q Band, High Fashion, Firefly, The Armed Gang, Macho, Kano with "I'm Ready," important "Italo Disco 80" singles by artists such as Den Harrow, Styloo, Time, Video, Jock Hattle, Joe Yellow, George Aaron, Koxo, and many others.
It has in its catalog jazz albums by the likes of Franco Cerri, Enrico Intra, JW Orchestra, Guido Manusardi, and the entire discography of the artist Brazilian Love Affair.
The rest is history of today and tomorrow